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Bobo's Theme

Who's a big Bo?  He's a very big Bo.  He's the biggest old Bo around.
Who's a big Bo?  He's a very big Bo.  He's the biggest old Bo around!

Bobo is a cat, who's really, really scared
Bobo is a cat, with fairly short hair
Bobo likes things just the way they are
Bobo don't like change and Bo don't like the car

Who's a big Bo?  He's a very big Bo.  He's the biggest old Bo around.
Who's a big Bo?  He's a very big Bo.  He's the biggest old Bo around!

Bobo is a cat whose life isn't fair
Bobo is a cat who doesn't like to share
When Bobo was a baby, people were mean to him
Now that Bobo's old, Bobo's mean to Chester!

Who's a big Bo?  He's a very big Bo.  He's the biggest old Bo around.
Who's a big Bo?  He's a very big Bo.  He's the biggest old Bo around!

Run Bobo, run!

Bobo is a cat who stands on command
Bobo is a cat who never lends a hand
Bobo like normalcy and loves being fed
Bobo loves his mom and Bobo loves the bed

Who's a big Bo?  He's a very big Bo.  He's the biggest old Bo around.
Who's a big Bo?  He's a very big Bo.  He's the biggest old Bo around!
Who's a big Bo?  He's a very big Bo.  He's the biggest old Bo around.
Who's a big Bo?  He's a very big Bo.  He's the biggest old Bo around!

Bo Bo Bo Bo




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