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You and I.  We will never die

You and I.  We will never die


Hitching a ride, all the way out to space now,

with the ring and a dream, half theories,

and only one time to say


Now you're married to me.  As the audience can see

Now the audience can sing, "you'll never be part of mine,"

And what will happen to you is what will happen to me

Now the audience can sing.  We're leaving, time to


When we were young, we were so broken, but we took each other apart

and reassembled all the pieces in a way that makes better sense


I will first think of you and never first think of me

We'll bathe a cat in the sink, we'll raise a dog by a tree

Forever taking turns, forever scratching our backs

Forever taking a nap.  Now let's go driving


You and I.  We will never die

You and I.  We will never die


Look, we're at the grocery, at the ocean, at a concert

We're doing the dishes.  We're cleaning the toilet

I am still here.  You are still here.  We are still


Where do we go from here?  I think I have an idea

We'll find a perfect day, and then we'll do it again

And if you ever fall down, I'll stop and help you get up

Or maybe carry you home.  This is our time to…


You and I.  We will never die

You and I.  We will never die




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