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ABC Animal Party

A is for the albino alligator
B is for the bleach blonde bear
C is for the caddywhompus chameleon
D is for the deer with long hair

E is for the early morning elephant
F is for the foxy flying fox
G is for the great, glowing snow giraffe
H is for the happy honey bee

Every night when I fall asleep, I go to a place where I dance with animals
They’re so nice, sometimes they share their cookies and bananas with me

I is for the earnest indigo iguana
J is for the jumping jaguar
K is for the kite flying kangaroo
L is fourteen llama times two

M is for the mangy, mighty mongoose
N is for the breakdancing newt
Oh my gosh, an octopus!
P is for the punk penguin

Every night when I fall asleep, I go to a place where I dance with animals
They’re so nice, sometimes they share their cookies and fruit punch with me

Q is for the - quiet, the quail is reading!
R is for the raking rabbit

S is for the skydiving sea snail
T is for the tiger’s tail
U is for the upside-down umbrella bird
V is for the velveteen pet vulture

W is for The Wolverine
X is for the excellent x-ray tetra
Y is for the yakity yakity yakity yak
Z is for the zebra

Every night when I fall asleep, I go to a place where I dance with animals
They’re so nice, sometimes they share their cookies, and we dip ‘em in ice cream!
When I go away, I’m sad to leave them, but I know that I’ll be back soon
See you guys, see you later, save a spot for me




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